You may claim millions of dollars for your pain and suffering. You probably didn't know you could be owed money for your situation, and it is time to speak up! Don't let you or your family suffer in silence.
Roundup® is one of the most widely used herbicides in the U.S. Millions of consumers have used the weed killer in their home gardens and lawns since it was introduced in 1976 and, unfortunately, it has been found to contain harmful chemicals that may cause cancer to those exposed to it. Read More »
Free Claim Review »Numerous studies have been conducted and most published medical studies have indicated that the use of talc-based powders is associated with a 33-percent increased risk of developing Ovarian Cancer. Read More »
Free Claim Review »In September 2019, Valisure, an online pharmacy based in Connecticut, informed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that it had found the cancer-causing chemical NDMA in some batches of Zantac® (ranitidine)… Read More »
Free Claim Review »Recent lawsuit filed May 19, 2020 claims Elmiron® linked to severe eye damage
Read More »The FDA has warned that Zantac® may be contaminated with cancer-causing agent...MORE »
Studies found a connection between long-term use of Elmiron® and vision problems...MORE »
Manufacturer Eisai, a Japanese company, agreed to recall Belviq® from the market after the FDA...MORE »
As of 2018 more than 54,000 hernia mesh lawsuits have been filed in state and federal courts...MORE »
Surgical staplers are medical devices used during surgical procedures to close external wounds...MORE »
Millions of consumers have used the weed killer in their home gardens and lawns since it was introduced in 1976 and, unfortunately, it has been found to contain harmful chemicals that may cause cancer...
READ MORE »Living expenses and bills can add up fast. Receiving your deserved money can take a long time..
Numerous medical studies have been conducted and most have indicated that the use of talc-based powders is associated with a 33-percent increased risk of developing Ovarian Cancer...
People get injured every day, in automobiles, motorcycles, a slip and fall, work-related accidents, medical malpractice, a faulty/defective product. You may be entitled to compensation...
Sexual abuse occurs when there is undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another, this is also referred to as molestation. It often happens by taking advantage of or using force on another...
READ MORE »Since 2010, the FDA has received more than 1,600 reports of Paragard® complications where the copper IUD broke or fractured, including at least 700 serious injuries. Many women have filed complaints...
READ MORE »Gileads’s TDF/PreP drugs belong to a class of antiretroviral drugs that are prescribed to treat HIV in combination with other medications.TDF drugs are also used to slow the progression of HIV as well...
READ MORE »Lawsuits are currently being filed by abuse victims across the United States. So far dioceses and religious orders have been forced to pay settlements totaling more than $3 billion.