function GA_Event ( category, action, label ) { try { if ( action === undefined ) action = ''; if ( label === undefined ) label = ''; if ( typeof ga === 'function' ) { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: category, eventAction: action, eventLabel: label }); } } catch ( err ) { } } function CallAutopopulate() { var address_id = document.getElementById("edit_address"); var city_id = document.getElementById("edit_city"); var state_id = document.getElementById("edit_state"); var zip_id = document.getElementById("edit_zip"); InitializeAutoPopulateAddress(address_id, city_id, state_id, zip_id ); } function InitializeAutoPopulateAddress(edit_address, edit_city, edit_state, edit_zip ) { if (typeof(google) !== 'undefined') { autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(edit_address), {types: ['geocode']}); google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, "place_changed", function () { edit_address.blur(); window.setTimeout(FillInAddress(edit_address, edit_city, edit_state, edit_zip), 0); }); } } function FillInAddress(edit_address, edit_city, edit_state, edit_zip) { var street_add1; var street_add2; var city; var state; var zipcode; var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); street_add1 = place.address_components[0]['short_name']; street_add2 = place.address_components[1]['short_name']; city = place.address_components[2]['short_name']; if (Array.isArray(place.address_components)) { place.address_components.forEach(function(row) { if (row.types[0] == 'administrative_area_level_1') { state = row.short_name; } else if (row.types[0] == 'postal_code') { zipcode = row.long_name; } }) } if (edit_city) edit_city.value = city || ''; if (edit_state) edit_state.value = state || ''; if (edit_zip) edit_zip.value = zipcode || ''; var final_address = street_add1 + " " + street_add2; edit_address.value = final_address; }/* CSS Browser Selector v0.4.0 (Nov 02, 2010) Rafael Lima ( License: Contributors: */ function css_browser_selector(u){var ua=u.toLowerCase(),is=function(t){return ua.indexOf(t)>-1},g='gecko',w='webkit',s='safari',o='opera',m='mobile',h=document.documentElement,b=[(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+RegExp.$1):is('firefox/2')?g+' ff2':is('firefox/3.5')?g+' ff3 ff3_5':is('firefox/3.6')?g+' ff3 ff3_6':is('firefox/3')?g+' ff3':is('gecko/')?g:is('opera')?o+(/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+o+RegExp.$1:(/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+o+RegExp.$2:'')):is('konqueror')?'konqueror':is('blackberry')?m+' blackberry':is('android')?m+' android':is('chrome')?w+' chrome':is('iron')?w+' iron':is('applewebkit/')?w+' '+s+(/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+s+RegExp.$1:''):is('mozilla/')?g:'',is('j2me')?m+' j2me':is('iphone')?m+' iphone':is('ipod')?m+' ipod':is('ipad')?m+' ipad':is('mac')?'mac':is('darwin')?'mac':is('webtv')?'webtv':is('win')?'win'+(is('windows nt 6.0')?' vista':''):is('freebsd')?'freebsd':(is('x11')||is('linux'))?'linux':'','js']; c = b.join(' '); h.className += ' '+c; return c;}; css_browser_selector(navigator.userAgent); (function(){ $('#law_topic_select').change(function(event){ var selectedLawsuit = $('#law_topic_select').val(); window.location = selectedLawsuit; }); $('#law_topic_select_sidebar').change(function(event){ var selectedLawsuit = $('#law_topic_select_sidebar').val(); window.location = selectedLawsuit; }); $("#law_topic_select option").each(function(i){ var text = $(this).text().toUpperCase(); var topic_id = $(this).attr('topic_id'); $('#law_topic_select option[topic_id="' + topic_id + '"]').text(text); }); $("#law_topic_select_sidebar option").each(function(i){ var text = $(this).text().toUpperCase(); var topic_id = $(this).attr('topic_id'); $('#law_topic_select_sidebar option[topic_id="' + topic_id + '"]').text(text); }); $.UpdateContent = function ( lead_instance_id, div_id ) { var ret = ""; if ( lead_instance_id >= 0 && div_id.length > 0 ) { request = { request : 'load_confirmation_content', lead_instance_id : lead_instance_id, afid : $('#edit_afid').val(), sid1 : $('#edit_sid1').val(), sid2 : $('#edit_sid2').val(), sid3 : $('#edit_sid3').val(), sid4 : $('#edit_sid4').val(), sid5 : $('#edit_sid5').val(), product_id : $('#edit_product_id').val(), have_attorney : $('#have_attorney').val(), zip : $('#edit_zip').val(), email : $('#edit_email').val(), firstname : $('#edit_firstname').val(), lastname : $('#edit_lastname').val(), address : $('#edit_address').val(), city : $('#edit_city').val(), state : $('#edit_state').val(), phone : $('#edit_phone').val() }; json = JSON.stringify(request); json = encodeURIComponent(json); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/inc/process_helper.php", data: "request=" + json, async: false, cache: false, success: function(encoded_result) { json = JSON.parse( encoded_result ); if ( json.response_code == 1 ) { try { url_content = json.response_data; content = GetContent ( url_content ); $("#" + div_id).html( content ); } catch(err) { } } }, error : function error( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { //alert(jqXHR); //alert(textStatus); //alert(errorThrown); //alert(jqXHR.responseText); } }); } return ret; } function GetContent ( content_url ) { var ret = ""; if ( content_url.trim().length >= 0 ) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: content_url, data: "", async: false, cache: false, success: function(encoded_result) { ret = encoded_result; }, error : function error( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { DisplayMessage(jqXHR.responseText, '', ''); } }); } return ret; } })(); var service_interface = global_common_domain + '/validate.php' var controls_to_validate; var associated_controls; var validate_error_messages; $(document).ready(function(){ // Default error messages validate_error_messages = new Array(); validate_error_messages['paydates.no_error'] = ''; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate1_invalid'] = 'Paydate 1 invalid'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_invalid'] = 'Paydate 2 invalid'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate_payperiod_mismatch'] = 'Paydates don\'t match pay period'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_future'] = 'Paydate 2 must be within 63 days'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_past'] = 'Paydate 1 must be at least 7 days from now'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate1_weekend'] = 'Paydate 1 can not be on a weekend'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_weekend'] = 'Paydate 2 can not be on a weekend'; validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate1_paydate2_relative'] = 'Paydate 2 must be later than Paydate 1'; validate_error_messages['address.no_error'] = ''; validate_error_messages['address.city_state_zip_mismatch'] = 'City, State, and Zip don\'t match'; validate_error_messages['address.suggested_cities'] = 'Cities that match this zip: %%cities%%'; var re = /.dev$/; var match = re.test( window.location.hostname ); if ( match ) service_interface = '' // Build array of all controls to validate, they will have a vtype attribute set controls_to_validate = new Array(); associated_controls = new Array(); $("[vtype]").attr('id',function(index,id) { var vtype = $('#' + id).attr('vtype'); if ( vtype == '' || vtype === undefined ) ; else { // Css class to show errors, default is error var error_class = $('#' + id).attr('vclass'); if ( error_class == '' || error_class === undefined ) error_class = "error"; // Callbacks for application specific processing var pre_callback = $('#' + id).attr('vprecall'); if ( pre_callback === undefined ) pre_callback = ""; var post_callback = $('#' + id).attr('vpostcall'); if ( post_callback === undefined ) post_callback = ""; var error_callback = $('#' + id).attr('verrorcall'); if ( error_callback === undefined ) error_callback = ""; // Optional semicolon delimited data var validation_data = $('#' + id).attr('vdata'); if ( validation_data === undefined ) validation_data = ""; // If we need to validate on change var validate_on_change = $('#' + id).attr('vchange'); if ( validate_on_change === undefined ) validate_on_change = ""; // If part of a tagged group var vtag = $('#' + id).attr('vtag'); if ( vtag === undefined ) vtag = ""; // Pattern for regex criteria var vpattern = $('#' + id).attr('vpattern'); if ( vpattern === undefined ) vpattern = ""; // Storage for detail validation data var vlogdata = $('#' + id).attr('vlogdata'); if ( vlogdata === undefined ) vlogdata = ""; // Save it var validate = new Object(); = id; validate.type = vtype; validate.error_class = error_class; validate.pre_callback = pre_callback; validate.post_callback = post_callback; validate.error_callback = error_callback; validate.validate_on_change = validate_on_change; validate.vtag = vtag; validate.vpattern = vpattern; validate.vlogdata = vlogdata; // Validation data needs a bit more handling validate.validation_data = new Object(); validation_data = validation_data.split(';'); $.each(validation_data, function( index, data ) { var pair = data.split('='); if ( pair.length == 2 ) validate.validation_data[pair[0]] = pair[1]; }); controls_to_validate.push ( validate ); } }); // Build a blur function for each control that needs validation, optionally do for onchange as well $.each(controls_to_validate, function( index, validate ) { $('#' +, function(control) { if ( $('#' +':visible') ) ValidateByValidationType ( ); }); if ( validate.validate_on_change != undefined && validate.validate_on_change != '' ) { $('#' +, function(control) { if ( $('#' +':visible') ) ValidateByValidationType ( ); }); } }); }); function AssociateControls (root_id, associated) { var obj = new Object(); obj.root_id = root_id; = associated; associated_controls.push(obj); } function GetAssociatedControls ( root_id ) { var associated = null; $.each(associated_controls, function( index, controls ) { if ( controls.root_id == root_id ) { associated =; return false; } }); return ( associated ); } function ValidateControls ( vtag ) { var allow_submit = true; $.each(controls_to_validate, function( index, validate ) { if ( $('#' +':visible') ) { if ( vtag === undefined || vtag == '' || validate.vtag == vtag ) { ret = ValidateByValidationType ( validate, false ); if ( !ret ) allow_submit = false; } } }); return ( allow_submit ); } function ValidateByValidationType ( validate, async ) { var valid = false; if ( async === undefined ) async = true; if ( typeof validate === 'object' ) { var value = $('#' +; if ( validate.pre_callback == '' || validate.pre_callback === undefined ) ; else eval ( validate.pre_callback ); switch ( validate.type ) { case 'name': valid = ValidateName ( value,, validate.error_class ); break; case 'email': valid = ValidateEmail ( value, false,, validate.error_class, async ); break; case 'email_format': valid = ValidateEmail ( value, true,, validate.error_class, async ); break; case 'string': valid = ValidateString ( value,, validate.error_class, validate.validation_data.minlength, validate.validation_data.maxlength, validate.vpattern ); break; case 'integer': valid = ValidateInteger ( value,, validate.error_class, validate.validation_data.minlength, validate.validation_data.maxlength ); break; case 'ssn': valid = ValidateSsn ( value,, validate.error_class ); break; case 'phone': valid = ValidatePhone ( value,, validate.error_class, false, async, validate.vlogdata ); break; case 'phone_format': valid = ValidatePhone ( value,, validate.error_class, true, async ); break; case 'phone_format_silent_phone': valid = ValidatePhone ( value,, validate.error_class, true, async, '', true ); break; case 'date': valid = ValidateDate ( value,, validate.error_class ); break; case 'not_empty': valid = ValidateAgainstSet ( value,, validate.error_class, ['',null,0] ); break; case 'address': var associated = GetAssociatedControls ( ); var address = new Object(); address.address = $('#' + associated.address).val(); = $('#' +; address.state = $('#' + associated.state).val(); = $('#' +; address.reason = validate_error_messages['address.no_error']; address.suggestions = ''; valid = ValidateAddress ( address, [associated.address,, associated.state,], validate.error_class, associated, validate.post_callback, async ); break; case 'zip': valid = ValidateZip ( value,, validate.error_class, async ); break; case 'paydate': var associated = GetAssociatedControls ( ); var payinfo = new Object(); payinfo.paydate1 = $('#' + associated.paydate1).val(); payinfo.paydate2 = $('#' + associated.paydate2).val(); payinfo.payperiod = $('#' + associated.payperiod).val(); payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.no_error']; valid = ValidatePaydates ( payinfo, associated.paydate1, associated.paydate2, validate.error_class ); $('#' + associated.error_text).val(payinfo.reason); break; case 'aba': var associated = GetAssociatedControls ( ); var bank = new Object(); bank.aba = value; = ''; bank.address = ''; = ''; valid = ValidateAba ( bank, false, [associated.aba, associated.bankname, associated.bankaddress, associated.bankphone], validate.error_class, associated, validate.post_callback, async ); break; }; if ( !valid ) { if ( validate.error_callback == '' || validate.error_callback === undefined ) ; else { var err_callback = validate.error_callback; err_callback = err_callback.replace ( '%%control_id%%', ); eval ( err_callback ); } } if ( validate.post_callback == '' || validate.post_callback === undefined ) ; else { var p_callback = validate.post_callback; p_callback = p_callback.replace ( '%%control_id%%', ); eval ( p_callback ); } } return ( valid ); } function ValidateName ( name, control_id, error_class ) { var field_valid = false; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); if ( typeof name === 'string' ) { if ( name.length >= 2 ) field_valid = true; } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateAgainstSet ( value, control_id, error_class, disallow, allow ) { var field_valid = false; var set_valid; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); // Check disallow list first set_valid = true; if ( typeof disallow !== 'undefined' && typeof value !== 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof disallow === 'object' && Array.isArray ( disallow ) ) { if ($.inArray ( value, disallow ) !== -1) set_valid = false; } else { if ( disallow == value ) set_valid = false; } field_valid = set_valid; } else { // Check against allow list then set_valid = false; if ( typeof allow !== 'undefined' && typeof value !== 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof allow === 'object' && Array.isArray ( disallow ) ) { if ($.inArray ( value, allow ) !== -1) set_valid = true; } else { if ( allow == value ) set_valid = true; } field_valid = set_valid; } } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateState ( state, control_id, error_class ) { var field_valid = false; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); state = state.toLowercase(); if ( state == 'ny' ) field_valid = false; if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateAddress ( address, control_id, error_class, associated, post_callback, request_async ) { var field_valid = false; // For tracking duplicate requests if ( typeof ValidateAddress.last_request == 'undefined' ) ValidateAddress.last_request = ''; if ( typeof ValidateAddress.last_result == 'undefined' ) ValidateAddress.last_result = ''; if ( typeof ValidateAddress.last_error_text == 'undefined' ) ValidateAddress.last_error_text = ''; if ( typeof ValidateAddress.last_suggestions == 'undefined' ) ValidateAddress.last_suggestions = ''; if ( typeof request_async === 'undefined' ) request_async = true; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); // Don't bother validating unless we have something in every field if ( address != undefined && address.address != undefined && != undefined && address.state != undefined && != undefined && address.address.length > 0 && > 0 && address.state.length > 0 && > 0 ) { // Avoid duplicate requests var summary_request = address.address + + address.state +; if ( summary_request == ValidateAddress.last_request ) { field_valid = ValidateAddress.last_result; if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); // Save prior error text and suggestions $('#' + associated.error_text).val(ValidateAddress.last_error_text); $('#' + associated.suggestions).val(ValidateAddress.last_suggestions); } else { ValidateAddress.last_request = summary_request; ValidateAddress.last_result = ''; ValidateAddress.last_error_text = ''; ValidateAddress.last_suggestions = ''; var request = new Object(); request.request = 'validate_address'; request.address = address.address; =; request.state = address.state; =; var json = JSON.stringify( request ); json = encodeURIComponent ( json ); var http_request = service_interface + "?request=" + json; // Submit $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: request_async, success: function(json) { var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) field_valid = true; else { AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); address.reason = validate_error_messages['address.city_state_zip_mismatch']; } // Get city suggestions address.suggestions = ''; var parsed = jQuery.parseJSON ( json.response_data ); if ( parsed.alt_cities != '' && parsed.alt_cities != undefined ) { var cities = parsed.alt_cities.replace(/;/g,', '); address.suggestions = validate_error_messages['address.suggested_cities'].replace ( '%%cities%%', cities ); } // Save error text and suggestions $('#' + associated.error_text).val(address.reason); $('#' + associated.suggestions).val(address.suggestions); // Perform callback if ( request_async && post_callback != undefined && post_callback != '' ) eval ( post_callback ); if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); ValidateAddress.last_result = field_valid; ValidateAddress.last_error_text = address.reason; ValidateAddress.last_suggestions = address.suggestions; }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var error = jqXHR.responseText; } }) } } else { // Just tag empty fields if ( address.address == undefined || address.address == '' ) AddClass ( associated.address, error_class ); if ( == undefined || == '' ) AddClass (, error_class ); if ( address.state == undefined || address.state == '' ) AddClass ( associated.state, error_class ); if ( == undefined || == '' ) AddClass (, error_class ); } return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateAba ( bank, format_only, control_id, error_class, associated, post_callback, request_async ) { var field_valid = false; var process_async = false; // For tracking duplicate requests if ( typeof ValidateAba.last_request == 'undefined' ) ValidateAddress.last_request = ''; if ( typeof ValidateAba.last_result == 'undefined' ) ValidateAddress.last_result = ''; if ( typeof request_async === 'undefined' ) request_async = true; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); field_valid = /^[0-9]+$/.test(bank.aba); if ( field_valid ) { if ( bank.aba.length == 9 ) { // Do the checksum n = 0; for (i = 0; i < bank.aba.length; i += 3) { n += parseInt(bank.aba.charAt(i), 10) * 3 + parseInt(bank.aba.charAt(i + 1), 10) * 7 + parseInt(bank.aba.charAt(i + 2), 10); } if ( n != 0 && n % 10 == 0 ) { if ( format_only == false ) { process_async = request_async; if ( bank.aba == ValidateAba.last_request ) { field_valid = ValidateAba.last_result; if ( !field_valid ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); } else { ValidateAba.last_request = bank.aba; ValidateAba.last_result = ''; var request = new Object(); request.request = 'validate_aba'; request.aba = bank.aba; var json = JSON.stringify( request ); json = encodeURIComponent ( json ); var http_request = service_interface + "?request=" + json; // Submit $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: request_async, success: function(json) { var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) { field_valid = true; var parsed = jQuery.parseJSON ( json.response_data ); bank.aba = parsed.routing_number; = parsed.bank_name; bank.address = parsed.bank_address; = parsed.bank_phone; $('#' + associated.bankname).val(; $('#' + associated.bankaddress).val(bank.address); $('#' + associated.bankphone).val(; } else AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); ValidateAba.last_result = field_valid; }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var error = jqXHR.responseText; } }) } } else field_valid = true; } else field_valid = false; } else field_valid = false; } if ( !process_async && field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidatePaydates ( payinfo, control_1, control_2, error_class ) { var field_valid = true; RemoveClass ( control_1, error_class ); RemoveClass ( control_2, error_class ); field_valid = ValidateDate ( payinfo.paydate1, control_1, error_class ); if ( field_valid == true ) { field_valid = ValidateDate ( payinfo.paydate2, control_2, error_class ); if ( field_valid == true ) { // Validate time relationships var now = new Date(); now.setHours(0); now.setMinutes(0); now.setSeconds(0); now.setMilliseconds(0); var pd1 = new Date(payinfo.paydate1); var pd2 = new Date(payinfo.paydate2); // Paydate2 must be later if ( field_valid ) { if ( pd1 >= pd2 ) { field_valid = false; AddClass ( control_1, error_class ); payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate1_paydate2_relative']; } } // Be sure neither is on a weekend if ( field_valid ) { var pd1_day = pd1.getDay(); var pd2_day = pd2.getDay(); if ( pd1_day == 0 || pd1_day == 6 ) { field_valid = false; AddClass ( control_1, error_class ); payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate1_weekend']; } if ( pd2_day == 0 || pd2_day == 6 ) { field_valid = false; AddClass ( control_2, error_class ); payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_weekend']; } } // First paydate must be 7 days from now if ( field_valid ) { if ( pd1 - now < 604800000 ) { AddClass ( control_1, error_class ); field_valid = false; payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_past']; } } // Second no more than 63 if ( field_valid ) { if ( pd2 - now > 5443200000 ) { AddClass ( control_2, error_class ); field_valid = false; payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_future']; } } // Dates must match period if ( field_valid ) { switch ( payinfo.payperiod ) { case 'weekly': if ( pd2 - pd1 != 604800000 ) field_valid = false; break; case 'biweekly': if ( pd2 - pd1 != 1209600000 ) field_valid = false; break; case 'semimonthly': var next_period = new Date(pd1); next_period.setDate(next_period.getDate()+14); var min_date = new Date(next_period); min_date.setDate(min_date.getDate()-4); var max_date = new Date(next_period); max_date.setDate(max_date.getDate()+4); if ( pd2 < min_date || pd2 > max_date ) field_valid = false; break; case 'monthly': var next_month = new Date(pd1); next_month.setMonth(next_month.getMonth()+1); var min_date = new Date(next_month); min_date.setDate(min_date.getDate()-4); var max_date = new Date(next_month); max_date.setDate(max_date.getDate()+4); if ( pd2 < min_date || pd2 > max_date ) field_valid = false; break; }; if ( !field_valid ) { AddClass ( control_1, error_class ); AddClass ( control_2, error_class ); payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate_payperiod_mismatch']; } } } else { if ( payinfo.paydate2 != undefined && payinfo.paydate2 != '' ) payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate2_invalid']; } } else { if ( payinfo.paydate1 != undefined && payinfo.paydate1 != '' ) payinfo.reason = validate_error_messages['paydates.paydate1_invalid']; } return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateDate ( value, control_id, error_class ) { var field_valid = true; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); // Validate numbers individually field_valid = /^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9]{2}$/.test(value); if ( field_valid == true ) { var adata = value.split('/'); var mm = parseInt(adata[0],10); var dd = parseInt(adata[1],10); var yyyy = parseInt(adata[2],10); var xdata = new Date(yyyy,mm-1,dd); if ( ( xdata.getFullYear() == yyyy ) && ( xdata.getMonth () == mm - 1 ) && ( xdata.getDate() == dd ) ) field_valid = true; else field_valid = false; } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateSsn ( value, control_id, error_class ) { var field_valid = true; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); field_valid = /^[0-7]{1}[0-9]{2}[-.]?[0-9]{2}[-.]?[0-9]{4}$/.test(value); if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateInteger ( value, control_id, error_class, min_length, max_length ) { var field_valid = false; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); field_valid = /^[0-9]+$/.test(value); if ( field_valid ) { var length = value.length; if ( /[0-9]+/.test(min_length) ) { if ( length < min_length ) field_valid = false; } if ( /[0-9]+/.test(max_length) ) { if ( length > max_length ) field_valid = false; } } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateString ( value, control_id, error_class, min_length, max_length, vpattern ) { var field_valid = false; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); if ( value != undefined ) { field_valid = true; var length = value.length; if ( /[0-9]+/.test(min_length) ) { if ( length < min_length ) field_valid = false; } if ( /[0-9]+/.test(max_length) ) { if ( length > max_length ) field_valid = false; } if ( field_valid == true && vpattern ) { var regex = new RegExp( vpattern ); field_valid = regex.test ( value ); } } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidatePhone ( value, control_id, error_class, format_only, request_async, vlogdata, silent_phone ) { var field_valid = true; if ( typeof request_async === 'undefined' ) request_async = true; if ( typeof vlogdata === 'undefined' ) vlogdata = ''; if ( typeof silent_phone === 'undefined' ) silent_phone = false; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); //field_valid = /^[\(]?[2-9]{1}[0-9]{2}[\)]?[.\- ]?[0-9]{3}[.\- ]?[0-9]{4}$/.test(value); field_valid = /^[\(]?[2-9]{1}[0-9]{2}[\)]?[.\- ]?[2-9]{1}[0-9]{2}[.\- ]?[0-9]{4}$/.test(value); phone_scrunched = value; phone_scrunched = phone_scrunched.replace(/ /g, ''); phone_scrunched = phone_scrunched.replace(/\./g, ''); phone_scrunched = phone_scrunched.replace(/\-/g, ''); phone_scrunched = phone_scrunched.replace(/\(/g, ''); phone_scrunched = phone_scrunched.replace(/\)/g, ''); phone_scrunched = phone_scrunched.replace(/\+/g, ''); // Tag as invalid anytime the same digit repeats 7 times in a row if ( field_valid == true ) { for ( ctr = 0; ctr < 10; ctr++ ) { searchvalue = ""; for ( ctr2 = 0; ctr2 < 7; ctr2++ ) searchvalue = searchvalue + ctr.toString(); if ( phone_scrunched.indexOf( searchvalue ) > -1 ) { field_valid = false; break; } } } // Tag as invalid any toll free area codes if ( field_valid == true ) { toll_free_area_codes = ["800", "844", "855", "866", "877", "888"]; phone_area = phone_scrunched.substring ( 0, 3 ) if ( toll_free_area_codes.indexOf( phone_area ) > -1 ) field_valid = false; } if ( field_valid == true ) { var request = new Object(); request.request = 'validate_phone_format'; if ( silent_phone == true ) request.request = 'validate_phone_format_silent_phone'; = value; request.domain = document.domain; request.lead_instance_id = $('#edit_lead_instance_id').val(); var json = JSON.stringify( request ); json = encodeURIComponent ( json ); var http_request = service_interface + "?request=" + json; // Submit $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: request_async, success: function(json) { field_valid = false; var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) field_valid = true; else AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var error = jqXHR.responseText; } }) } if ( field_valid == true && format_only == false ) { var request = new Object(); request.request = 'validate_phone'; = value; request.domain = document.domain; request.lead_instance_id = $('#edit_lead_instance_id').val(); var json = JSON.stringify( request ); json = encodeURIComponent ( json ); var http_request = service_interface + "?request=" + json; // Submit $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: request_async, success: function(json) { field_valid = false; var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) field_valid = true; else { if ( json.phone_enforce > 0 ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); else field_valid = true; } if ( vlogdata != '' ) { $('#' + vlogdata).val(json.phone_data); } }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var error = jqXHR.responseText; } }) } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateZip ( value, control_id, error_class, request_async ) { var field_valid = true; if ( typeof request_async === 'undefined' ) request_async = true; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); field_valid = /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/.test(value); if ( field_valid == true ) { var request = new Object(); request.request = 'validate_zip'; = value; var json = JSON.stringify( request ); json = encodeURIComponent ( json ); var http_request = service_interface + "?request=" + json; // Submit $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: request_async, success: function(json) { field_valid = false; var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) field_valid = true; else AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var error = jqXHR.responseText; } }) } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } function ValidateEmail ( email, format_only, control_id, error_class, request_async ) { var field_valid = false; if ( typeof request_async === 'undefined' ) request_async = true; RemoveClass ( control_id, error_class ); if ( email != '' ) { // Basic syntax check first var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; var field_valid = re.test(email); if ( field_valid == true && format_only == false ) { var request = new Object(); request.request = 'validate_email'; = email; request.domain = document.domain; request.lead_instance_id = $('#edit_lead_instance_id').val(); var json = JSON.stringify( request ); json = encodeURIComponent ( json ); var http_request = service_interface + "?request=" + json; // Submit $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: request_async, success: function(json) { field_valid = false; var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) field_valid = true; else { if ( json.email_enforce > 0 ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); else field_valid = true; } }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var error = jqXHR.responseText; } }) } } if ( field_valid === false ) AddClass ( control_id, error_class ); return ( field_valid ); } // These determine if the control is individual, or an array, and then handle that function AddClass ( control_id, apply_class ) { if ( typeof control_id !== 'undefined' && typeof apply_class !== 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof control_id === 'object' && Array.isArray ( control_id ) ) { $.each(control_id, function( index, value ) { AddClassIndividual ( value, apply_class ); }); } else AddClassIndividual ( control_id, apply_class ); } } function RemoveClass ( control_id, apply_class ) { if ( typeof control_id !== 'undefined' && typeof apply_class !== 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof control_id === 'object' && Array.isArray ( control_id ) ) { $.each(control_id, function( index, value ) { RemoveClassIndividual ( value, apply_class ); }); } else RemoveClassIndividual ( control_id, apply_class ); } } // These assign/remove a class from a specific element function AddClassIndividual ( control_id, apply_class ) { if ( typeof control_id !== 'undefined' && typeof apply_class !== 'undefined' ) $('#' + control_id).addClass(apply_class); } function RemoveClassIndividual ( control_id, apply_class ) { if ( typeof control_id !== 'undefined' && typeof apply_class !== 'undefined' ) $('#' + control_id).removeClass(apply_class); } // These simplify setting up associated controls function AssociateAddressControls ( edit_address, edit_city, edit_state, edit_zip, edit_address_error, edit_address_suggestions ) { var address_validate = new Object(); address_validate.address = edit_address; = edit_city; address_validate.state = edit_state; = edit_zip; address_validate.error_text = edit_address_error; address_validate.suggestions = edit_address_suggestions; AssociateControls ( edit_address, address_validate ); AssociateControls ( edit_city, address_validate ); AssociateControls ( edit_state, address_validate ); AssociateControls ( edit_zip, address_validate ); } function AssociateBankControls ( edit_aba, edit_bankname, edit_bankaddress, edit_bankphone ) { var aba_validate = new Object(); aba_validate.aba = edit_aba; aba_validate.bankname = edit_bankname; aba_validate.bankaddress = edit_bankaddress; aba_validate.bankphone = edit_bankphone; AssociateControls ( edit_aba, aba_validate ); } function AssociatePaydateControls ( edit_paydate1, edit_paydate2, edit_payperiod, edit_paydate_error ) { var payday_validate = new Object(); payday_validate.paydate1 = edit_paydate1; payday_validate.paydate2 = edit_paydate2; payday_validate.payperiod = edit_payperiod; payday_validate.error_text = edit_paydate_error; AssociateControls ( edit_paydate1, payday_validate ); AssociateControls ( edit_paydate2, payday_validate ); AssociateControls ( edit_payperiod, payday_validate ); }